Grade Level: 11-12
Questions: 1,469
Graphics: 285
Question Format: Multiple choice and free response
View the Table of Contents and Sample Questions here
Our Calculus question bank contains over 1,400 multiple choice questions with graphics included. You won't have to spend hours searching for charts, tables, or diagrams anymore! This very popular question bank comes with the Examgen test generator that allows you to create tests, homework, quizzes, worksheets, etc. If you have your own Calculus questions, our editing feature allows you to add them to the question bank!
Our Calculus product is a high school and advanced course Calculus question bank for instructional use and test preparation for a two semester course in differential and integral Calculus. It is written in a multi-representational form that stresses numerical, graphical, and analytical responses. Multiple choice as well as free response questions emphasize the intuitive understanding of both differential and integral calculus, enhanced by professionally drawn graphics.
Here are a few of the topics covered in the Calculus question bank:
- Reviewing Theory of Functions
- Logarithms and Exponential Functions
- Differential Equations
- Limits
- Antiderivatives
More about the Questions Bank and Test Generator