EXAMgen Online Functionality
Cloud-based Web App
EXAMgen Online documents are saved to the cloud, which means you can easily access, edit, and print your exam from any computer. You can design a quiz at home and print it at school without having to worry about transferring files or emailing anything to yourself.
Search by Topic or Standard
You can now search by topic or standard once you make the switch to our online platform. Correlated standards also print on your answer keys, making it easy to ensure Common Core readiness.
Free Supplements & Digests
We are making our library of supplements and digests available for free as part of your EXAMgen Online subscription. If you have access to Algebra 1, for instance, you will also get automatic access to all Algebra 1 supplemental question banks.
Editing Functionality
Questions can be edited using the edit question tools provided on the test generator page. This allows you to edit our questions or create your own and then save them to your personal Library. Then add your new questions to any of your exams.
Standards Print Directly on Answer Keys
Common Core State Standards print directly on the answer key to allow you to pinpoint areas where students need further instruction.
Live Updates
When we add questions to a question bank, add supplements, or release improved features, you will automatically have access to these updates without the need to install anything. You'll always have the most up-to-date question items, standards alignments, and application features.Share Questions with Other Users
Work with your colleagues to share questions between you for a "level playing field" across different classes.
No Installation Required
Because no installation is required, you don't have to worry about losing the program or your exams when your school's servers are wiped at the end of the school year. No more waiting for the Tech Coordinator to get back to you. You'll be able to log on from anywhere with internet access and create your quizzes, exams, and homework in minutes.
Flexible School Pricing
We realize that schools and teachers have varying needs. As a result, with EXAMgen Online, we offer an affordable individual subscription at $9.95/mo as well as School Pricing options that give you more choice and better value than ever. Our desktop software is based on fixed per-product pricing of $699 for main question banks and $99 for supplements.