Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What's the difference between Examgen Online and the previous desktop software?
Q: I signed up for a free trial. What do I do now?
A: You can log in to the web app using the Username and Password that you provided.
Also, please check your email.
Q: I would like to be able to launch the web application from my desktop
A: If you use the Google Chrome browser, you can download this quick launch shortcut.
The shortcut is in a zip file. Unzip and place the executable shortcut on your desktop.
Q: What is the cost for a license for one teacher?
A: A subscription to Examgen Online is $9.95/month or $119/year. This includes
automatic content and feature updates at no additional charge. If you are interested
in multiple question banks for individual use, please contact our Customer Service team
for discounts on your second and third question banks. We also offer School Pricing.
Q: Can I import saved exams from the desktop version of Examgen into my new Examgen Online account?
A: Unfortunately, Examgen Online is not currently backwards compatible with the desktop version.
Q: If my school doesn't renew their subscription to Examgen Online, will I have access to my exams?
A: You will no longer be able to access the test generator web application; however, because your
account is linked to your email address and not your institution, you can easily purchase your own
individual subscription for only $9.95/month and have access to all of your saved exams.
Q: Can I use a purchase order to subscribe for the year?
A:You can use a purchase order for the 1-year per course per user license ($119).
If you wish to pay monthly ($9.95/month), then you will need to order online with a credit card.
Q: How well does the test bank support the new AP physics standards?
Can I filter questions related to the new standards?
A: The Physics question bank supports a regular high school course, not the new AP Physics per
the Next Generation Science Standards. Examgen has aligned the Biology to the NGSS and plans
on aligning the Chemistry and Physics question banks over the summer to have available by
the next school year.
Q: Can the Online Version be used to write our own test questions, as well as sort and store them?
A: We plan to add an editing feature to Examen Online within the year. For now, only our Desktop Version
allows you to add and edit questions.
Q: Do you have question banks appropriate for AP science courses?
A: At this time, Examgen does not have AP questions for science. However, the Biology 3rd has advanced
Biology questions that are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. Please sign up for a 14-day
free trial to view these questions to see if they will meet your needs.
Q: Do I need a Credit Card to sign up for a free trial?
A: The 30-day trial does not require a credit card. Simply go to our Catalog and select the Question Bank
you are interested in. Once on the product page, select 30-Day Free Trial from the drop-down menu at the
bottom of the page. Complete the rest of the registration and check out process. At the payment page,
the radio button for Payment Method will by default have none selected. Submit your order, and you're all set.
Q: How do I access the Examgen Online Web Application?
A: There are two ways to access the Examgen Online Web Application. Either click on the red
Access Test Generator button at the top righthand corner of www.examgenonline.com or enter
the following URL into your browser bar: http://app.examgenonline.com
Q: Do your question banks support my state’s standards?
A: Examgen currently offers the 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Common Core Math, along with Algebra I Common Core.
These question banks were authored specifically to match the rigor and question styles called for by the CCSS
We will be releasing 8th Grade CC ELA, 9th- 10th Grade CC ELA, Geometry CC and Algebra II CC by next school year.
One handy feature we offer is the ability to search for questions by both topic and standard, so regardless of curriculum
modifications, it remains easy to create classroom materials that line up with your curriculum.